Saturday, October 22, 2011

Superior Artists Show at the Washburn Cultural Center in November. Plein Air show at Drummond Library January- March.

   'Urban Life', pastel, 8.5 x 7, ©2011Mary McHugh

   'Glow', pastel, 8.5 x 11.5, ©2011Mary McHugh
HI everybody
Today was a big CC day with our Sectional meet. It was heartbreaking again that our awesome boys team didn't make it to state for the second year in a row.  My daughter also didn't make it, but that was a long shot. We did have three boys from our team qualify for state as individuals. That was amazing.
I finished up four paintings last Sunday and can now post them and start some new ones! yeah!
Please try to stop by our new show in Washburn at the Cultural Center. it is the old bank building and the reception is Nov 3, from 5 to 7. 
I'll be laid up for awhile, going to have surgery this coming month too. Sending peace and love to all who are visiting my blog.

  'Misty Willow', pastel, 8.5 x 11.5, ©2011Mary McHugh

   'Hollyhocks and Barn', pastel, 5.5 x 11, ©2011Mary McHugh 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing these beautiful paintings. I especially enjoy the way you captured the light in "Glow." Sending you peace and love, Mary!
