Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A couple of new paintings

'Tulip with Daffodil' pastel, 6 x 6, © Mary McHugh 2010
(you may have seen this one earlier when I wasn't sure it was finished. )

                       'Alpine Meadow' pastel, 10 x 10, © Mary McHugh 2010

I finished these last week before NAM Fest in Seeley. The spring flowers are in my garden and the mountain scene is from our camping trip to the Tetons last June '09.
I want to broadcast that I am happy that today was my halfway point with radiation treatments. Yippee! My energy level is pretty low overall and can't wait until this is finished.  I also had success at NAM Fest on Saturday and that gave me a boost. So more paintings await downstairs in the studio. Thanks for looking.


Amy Vasterling said...

This is lovely Mary. Did you portal to Switzerland or are there vistas this great in WI?

Saw your photos of the First Friday. Artist and math teacher.....interesting mix. Oddly, that only just now dawned on me though.

Mary McHugh said...

Thanks Amy
We went camping in the Tetons in June '09 and this was done from a photo of that trip.
Yup I am a math teacher by day and an artist by night, weekends, summer. I used to play keyboards in the Telemark house band back in the day too and that really was late into the night!