'Salvia and Columns' pastel, 8 x 7.5, © Mary McHugh 2010
'Peonies and Fence' pastel, 7 x 7, © Mary McHugh 2010
Instead of being out on the water or in the garden on this fine Saturday, I was down in our cool basement finishing up the paintings for the show. I did it! I finished all the paintings I started last summer and fall, plus three more new ones. Shown above are two of my favorite gardens. 'Peonies and fence' is a view of my friends' Laurie and David's place and 'Salvia and Columns' is at the MN Landscape Arboreteum.
I will be showing twelve of my recent paintings at the Washburn show and two "encore" paintings at the Black Cat show. Please stop by if you are able! (more information top right)