HI everybody
It's been awhile since I last posted. I finally finished my last painting of my mountain biker series. It's a nice composition; the train of bikers with the foliage. It's also the largest of the three and took longer than the others.
The dark season has arrived so I need to appreciate that instead of getting depressed by it. Today was so dark and slippery that I didn't even venture outside and it is the warmest day we are going to have all week! So I am a bit depressed but hopefully that will come and go and not dwell within for long.
I have been feeling pretty well lately and almost feel normal again. After all I have been through, I wonder what normal is. I guess it is when your brain works pretty well, your energy level is good, and your attitude is good.
Peace, Mary
Short and Fat Bikers 2 , pastel, 13 x 21.5, © Mary McHugh 2010
The purpose of my blog is to record how I make time for art in the business of everyday life. I paint with pastels in small increments, 30 minutes here, an hour there, which all ends up adding up to a painting eventually. Hope you enjoy looking! -- Mary J. McHugh
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Mid October Saturday
Another fine day at home. I finished up the painting below last weekend and am trying to come up with a good title.
Short and Fat Bikers, pastel, 10 x 14.5, © Mary McHugh 2010
Short and Fat Bikers, pastel, 10 x 14.5, © Mary McHugh 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Busy month
Hi! I have been really busy this month with my teaching job and helping with the CC team. At night I usually have papers to correct and not much time to paint but have almost finished another mountain biker piece and will post it soon!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Some new paintings, some old
I am back working at school now and helping coach so am enjoying this beautiful Saturday at home resting from the busy week. This is my most recent painting of last year's Fat Tire race near Telemark. I did a demo at Firefly in August and this was what I worked on. Fun to paint! It is the first of a series. I have two more mountain bike paintings in the works.
'Tall and Slim', pastel, 4 x 11.5, ©Mary McHugh 2010
'Ruth's Big Garden', pastel, 21 x 14, ©Mary McHugh 2010
I can finally post this painting that I have been working on for the past month. It is a surprise birthday present from my friend Renee to her mother Ruth, an extraordinary gardener. Today is her birthday and the painting will be revealed!
'Ruth's garden' , pastel, 15 x 12.5, ©Mary McHugh 2008
Here is another commissioned piece of Ruth's lovely garden on Lake Namakagon. The back lighting on the trees and the gazebo are my favorite features.
'Poppy Field in Spain', pastel, 9 x 6, © Mary McHugh 1991
My friend Cathy lived in Spain a few years back and I did this painting for her of one of her favorite sights in Spain, the colorful poppies. She visited recently and brought the painting along so I could take a digital image of it. Thanks Cathy!
'Tall and Slim', pastel, 4 x 11.5, ©Mary McHugh 2010
'Ruth's Big Garden', pastel, 21 x 14, ©Mary McHugh 2010
I can finally post this painting that I have been working on for the past month. It is a surprise birthday present from my friend Renee to her mother Ruth, an extraordinary gardener. Today is her birthday and the painting will be revealed!
'Ruth's garden' , pastel, 15 x 12.5, ©Mary McHugh 2008
Here is another commissioned piece of Ruth's lovely garden on Lake Namakagon. The back lighting on the trees and the gazebo are my favorite features.
'Poppy Field in Spain', pastel, 9 x 6, © Mary McHugh 1991
My friend Cathy lived in Spain a few years back and I did this painting for her of one of her favorite sights in Spain, the colorful poppies. She visited recently and brought the painting along so I could take a digital image of it. Thanks Cathy!
Monday, August 23, 2010
August is winding down!
I know it seems like I haven't been making time for art lately, but I will post new work soon!! I promise! The big piece is finished and I also did a little 4 x 11.5 painting at the demo last Sunday which is pretty sweet. School starts soon, plus I am helping with the CC team so free time will be limited. That is when those little 15-30 minute sessions will somehow get me through!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Art Crawl in Cable this weekend
This weekend is the first annual art crawl in town, sponsored by our local arts organization. I will be giving a demo tomorrow at Firefly at noon. I have been working on a large painting that is almost finished and will post it soon I hope.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Our 20th anniversary is today!
'Beach day', pastel, 10 x 10, ©Mary McHugh 2010
Finished this today for the Dog Days of Summer show at Firefly. It's of the kids at the beach last summer, probably after play practice.
All done with radiation and also have been married 20 years today! Lots to celebrate. We drove up the north shore yesterday and saw the sights. The tall ships were leaving Duluth and it was pretty cool to be near the shore.
Finished this today for the Dog Days of Summer show at Firefly. It's of the kids at the beach last summer, probably after play practice.
All done with radiation and also have been married 20 years today! Lots to celebrate. We drove up the north shore yesterday and saw the sights. The tall ships were leaving Duluth and it was pretty cool to be near the shore.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Tomorrow is a new month!
'Paddle Home', pastel, 15 x 11.5, ©Mary McHugh 2009
Tomorrow is August and we will start the day in Grandview at the 2 mile fun run. I might walk the "race" if I like the t shirt. Only two more radiation treatments left!! I am so excited to be almost finished with that. I am really looking forward to having a somewhat normal life again without so many doctor appointments, just going to work everyday, and spending time with the family and friends doing fun things. Sold a print of this painting of a Lake Namekagon home today. The original is still available. I have been working on a couple of new paintings and hope to post them soon.
Tomorrow is August and we will start the day in Grandview at the 2 mile fun run. I might walk the "race" if I like the t shirt. Only two more radiation treatments left!! I am so excited to be almost finished with that. I am really looking forward to having a somewhat normal life again without so many doctor appointments, just going to work everyday, and spending time with the family and friends doing fun things. Sold a print of this painting of a Lake Namekagon home today. The original is still available. I have been working on a couple of new paintings and hope to post them soon.
Friday, July 23, 2010
On the home stretch
Today I made my 23rd trip to radiation in Duluth with my friend Joanne from Solon! 77% finished! I am looking forward to celebrating and also celebrating our 20th anniversary on Aug 4!
I should really be downstairs working instead of messing around on the computer. I have two paintings underway in the studio plus one developing in my head. Friday is my favorite time to work since I can listen to the WOJB Friday show while I work. Jeff Jones plays a lot of Motown music, which is great to paint pictures to!
One of my friends sent me this picture she took of me at the NAM Fest two Saturdays ago so I had to post it. Gotta love it!
I should really be downstairs working instead of messing around on the computer. I have two paintings underway in the studio plus one developing in my head. Friday is my favorite time to work since I can listen to the WOJB Friday show while I work. Jeff Jones plays a lot of Motown music, which is great to paint pictures to!
One of my friends sent me this picture she took of me at the NAM Fest two Saturdays ago so I had to post it. Gotta love it!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
'In the Garden' , pastel, 17 x 12.5, ©Mary McHugh 2010
Happy to have finished this painting and signed it. This depicts a friend's mother's garden, one of the loveliest places I've been. I do like this painting.
I have a little nausea today after my trip to Duluth, but trying to enjoy the beautiful day after the big storm yesterday.
Happy to have finished this painting and signed it. This depicts a friend's mother's garden, one of the loveliest places I've been. I do like this painting.
I have a little nausea today after my trip to Duluth, but trying to enjoy the beautiful day after the big storm yesterday.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
A couple of new paintings
'Tulip with Daffodil' pastel, 6 x 6, © Mary McHugh 2010
(you may have seen this one earlier when I wasn't sure it was finished. )
'Alpine Meadow' pastel, 10 x 10, © Mary McHugh 2010
I finished these last week before NAM Fest in Seeley. The spring flowers are in my garden and the mountain scene is from our camping trip to the Tetons last June '09.
I want to broadcast that I am happy that today was my halfway point with radiation treatments. Yippee! My energy level is pretty low overall and can't wait until this is finished. I also had success at NAM Fest on Saturday and that gave me a boost. So more paintings await downstairs in the studio. Thanks for looking.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Waiting for Customers @ First Friday at Firefly
The artists last weekend. Michael, me, Amy. Linda (Michael's wife), Katie, and Nancy.
First Friday Art Mart at Firefly.
First Friday Art Mart at Firefly.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
A rainy muggy July 4!
'On the Water' pastel ©Mary McHugh 2009
Lots of moisture in the air. A perfect time to work in the studio downstairs to get out of the warmth. N and J ran this morning in the Cable 5 K, both placing 2nd in their age group and winning some pretty sweet gift certificates to Redbery books and Rivers Eatery. Awesome prizes!
I am really enjoying the " weekend off". A two day break from radiation! I am over 25% done with treatments. Yes!
I spent a few hours on Friday and most of yesterday at Firefly attempting to sell some of my paintings. It was not a successful endeavor. Sometimes the clientele just does not jive with what I am trying to do. However my husband's best childhood friend bought a painting this morning! So that pumped me up! He loves it and is going to put it in their retirement cabin. I am posting the image above and saying farewell to the painting. Happy trails!
Monday, June 28, 2010
Monday Night
Cisco Lake
I am exhausted after a day in Duluth. After the radiation treatment, we hung around for a physical therapy appointment late in the afternoon. I was glad I went, but sorry my whole day was shot. With daily radiation treatments and other appointments plus about 2 1/2 hours on the road to get there and back, I really will have to motivate myself to make time for art. I would like to post another finished painting soon for anyone reading this to see!
I did have a painting sell today at Firefly! (Campshore) Big smile!
Friday, June 25, 2010
So much rain the creek is running again!
J and our dog running on Cisco Lake Rd last week. N and J are training for the 15K race in early August.
This was a long week for me. I did paint a bit but have no completed paintings to post yet. I had four days worth of doctor appointments and radiation treatments in Duluth this week. Steve, Karen T and Jan M. all drove me. Thanks so much. My oncologist had a great big smile on his face when he walked into the exam room on Tuesday. Steve thought that was awesome. I guess the outcome is as good as we could have expected. so yeah! And maybe the joy will reach me after I get through this next stage of treatment. At the moment I am pretty worn out! and there are 27 more radiation treatments to go!
This was a long week for me. I did paint a bit but have no completed paintings to post yet. I had four days worth of doctor appointments and radiation treatments in Duluth this week. Steve, Karen T and Jan M. all drove me. Thanks so much. My oncologist had a great big smile on his face when he walked into the exam room on Tuesday. Steve thought that was awesome. I guess the outcome is as good as we could have expected. so yeah! And maybe the joy will reach me after I get through this next stage of treatment. At the moment I am pretty worn out! and there are 27 more radiation treatments to go!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Photos from Black Cat Show
The sun is out with us again. Yeah!
Yesterday I went to Ashland to get food for our household and stopped in at the Black Cat to get a cup of coffee and see our group show there. It was just lovely. Wendy's mask and Sara's sculpted aprons combined with all the paintings and Jan's glass art made for a diverse exhibit. Birgit's jewelry too. (Oops, it looks like I missed Jan's glass art in my photos) Saw two friends and they both had positive comments. Even though sales are slow, our group shows were worth the effort!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Are we ever going to see the sun again?
'Tulip with Daffodil' pastel, 6 x 6, © Mary McHugh 2010
Another cloudy day!! Yikes.
Shown above is what I worked on yesterday. I am not sure I am done with it, but maybe. I just have to stare at it awhile and see if there is anything left to do. Maybe just sign it and be done. Hmmm.
I don't have any doctor appointments this week! Next week I have four days worth with radiation starting on Wednesday, for 30 weekdays, into August.
My radiation driver helper schedule filled up quickly. Yeah! Thanks everybody. This will be my summer of lots of conversations with friends and family in the car to Duluth and back again.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
One of those Saturdays
Here is the start of my creative process. I lay out the different sizes of pastel papers I have on hand and get out some photos. Just mull around a bit and decide what paintings should go on what paper, cropping photos with my scissors to make better compositions. Decide what photos appeal to me at this time. I picked out a mountain scene from camping last year at the Tetons, a lupine field, the river with some yarrow, daffodils with a tulip, and a friends garden. I make some sketches, tape the paper to boards and I am off and running (so to speak)!
I am experiencing the empty house today. N is at a graduation party after the ACT and J is at work in Cable. It's a cloudy cool day and I am a bit low energy after having two procedures done this week; port removal Wednesday and my radiation simulation yesterday. S and I were just over at some friends' house and they have such a lovely garden and home. I found it very inspiring there despite the dark, wet day we are having.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Superior Artists Online and In Person Celebration Exhibition Opens

Well here we all are at the opening reception last Thursday June 3 in Washburn. Our show looks gorgeous and it was fun to create a show together and see each other again. What a great group of gals!
This week has gone by quickly with no new paintings started but I have been planning a few new ones. I have some garden photos from last summer to work from. I also plan to get outside and work on location at least six times this summer. There is a plein air competition in Cable in mid July too. That is something to practice for!
Some of you reading this have offered to help with rides to radiation this summer. I should be starting in a couple of weeks. Probably June 23 but should find out more details this morning.
We are having a thunderstorm this morning too. All kinds of excitement here in Northern Wisconsin!
take care, Mary
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Two more to frame and it's showtime!
'Salvia and Columns' pastel, 8 x 7.5, © Mary McHugh 2010
'Peonies and Fence' pastel, 7 x 7, © Mary McHugh 2010
Instead of being out on the water or in the garden on this fine Saturday, I was down in our cool basement finishing up the paintings for the show. I did it! I finished all the paintings I started last summer and fall, plus three more new ones. Shown above are two of my favorite gardens. 'Peonies and fence' is a view of my friends' Laurie and David's place and 'Salvia and Columns' is at the MN Landscape Arboreteum.
I will be showing twelve of my recent paintings at the Washburn show and two "encore" paintings at the Black Cat show. Please stop by if you are able! (more information top right)
Washburn Show will be hung tomorrow, Black Cat on Monday
'While the Kids Were Biking' pastel, 6 x 6, © Mary McHugh 2009
Only a three left to finish up and mat and frame. The one shown above is a plein air piece I did last summer while the kids were biking in Seeley (hence the title). I was set up next to the Namakagon River on Cook Rd.
I am sore today. I think I overdid it yesterday by working on my paintings, working at school for a few hours helping my sub Marilyn and getting the Student Voice news paper finished up in time for graduation on Sunday, and going to Jenna's haircut appt. and grocery shopping in Hayward with Neil as our driver. I am still not supposed to drive anywhere. I didn't wake myself up with my timer to take my pain meds last night every four hours and really was in a lot of pain when I woke up at 4 A.M. and couldn't get back to sleep until about 6 A.M.. I slept in until 8, in time to take more pain meds. I need to take it easy today but also need to get the paintings finished. Fortunately it is another gorgeous day. Good day for gardening also. I will need help with that.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
"Complete remission"
'Iris Garden' pastel, 17.5 x 10.5, ©Mary McHugh 2010
Shown above is a painting of a lovely local garden. It really appealed to me.
"Complete remission". Those were the surgeon's words today! I am stunned. She said it is like in the Wizard of Oz when the wicked witch dies and all that is left is her hat. All that remained of my cancer in the pathology report was where the fight took place between the chemo or herceptin and the cancer. So I am cancer free! Just recover from the surgery and go through radiation and then it'll be time to move on with my life.
Thanks again to everyone who has been so supportive. I really think it is all the prayers and good vibes that killed the cancer, not the chemo.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Still home recovering
'Time to Come In' pastel, 12 x 8, © Mary McHugh 2009
Shown above is the prequel to 'Bliss', which I started last summer and finished this winter, taking a photo of it today outside in the sunlight.
My energy level continues to improve each day. My sister headed home today. Thanks Claire for helping out! Thanks to everyone who has been helping feed my family. What wonderful friends I have.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Summer weather in May
'Lilacs' pastel, 6 x 6, © Mary J. McHugh 2009
Shown above is the third in my trio of spring flowers.
I am home recovering from surgery and spending time with my sister who came to help out. We had a warm, humid, windy day here in northern Wisconsin. The kids had a big regional track meet today and now I am waiting for them to come home. My blog is a good way to spend the time when you are waiting late at night.
I haven't worked on any paintings for a week but hope to get back at it soon, finishing up and framing my recent work. Steve started some new frames for me today. What a great husband!
Please mark your calendars for the reception Thursday June 3, at the Cultural Center in Washburn WI from 5 to 8 PM
Monday, May 17, 2010
Spring is really here
'Daffodils' pastel, 7 x 7, © Mary J McHugh 2009
What a day. It is beautiful now that we have had some rain and the temperature is warm. Almost too warm maybe! I had to take my hat off!
I didn't paint tonight, instead went to the big annual Charac event at Lakewoods. Saw lots of my favorite people. Even debuted my new short haircut without a hat in public. Pretty daring of me.
Surgery is on Wed. Want to thank everyone for their constant support and hugs and love. Family and friends are amazing.
I am posting another of my spring trio of flowers above. I will post my newest paintings tomorrow if I can. Otherwise, I'll check back in after surgery.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
'Snow on the Mountain' pastel, 6x6, © Mary J.McHugh 2009
It's raining today! I am posting a photo of the painting that will be at the Spring CHARAC show at the Rookery restaurant near Lake Namakagon (Cable, WI). It is the first one in a series of three spring flower paintings. This one features narcissus and snow on the mountain flowers! The other two will be at the Washburn June show.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Another Monday night
'Inviting Bay' pastel, 8 x 12 © Mary J. McHugh 2009
Here is another painting that will be in the show. It's my idea of a perfect summer day.
A week has gone by since my last painting session. Busy weekend with the family. I met with my doctors last Thursday and have my surgery date set for May 19. Only 9 more days to get ready emotionally and mentally. I also have only 9 more days and nights to get these paintings done. I think it will be hard to lift my arms after the surgery and you need to lift your arms when you paint, even with pastels.
So downstairs I go to work. Maybe there will be some nice blues on the radio again.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Monday Night
I worked again on another painting for almost an hour. It's a June garden with iris.
This is going well. I was listening to WOJB to some really good blues music and the time just flew. Didn't even feel tired. I'll have to take some photos when it is light out.
This is going well. I was listening to WOJB to some really good blues music and the time just flew. Didn't even feel tired. I'll have to take some photos when it is light out.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
'Camp Shore' pastel, 23 x 10.5 © Mary J. McHugh 2008
Shown above is "Camp Shore, one of the paintings I delivered this afternoon to my favorite gallery in Cable: Firefly ! Stop by and see them sometime after L.J. opens up for new season this Friday.
It was another gorgeous morning and I worked on another painting for an hour. Yes!
This one was started last summer but hadn't finished it since I couldn’t decide what kind of light to use. So today I made the decision to make it take place at dusk. Featured in it are my sister in law’s kayaks on the shores of Lake Superior at the beach in Ashland, WI, during summer vacation visit with my in laws. Jenna and her cousin Gina are out in the kayaks. It is a prequel to a previous painting called "Bliss". I think it’ll be titled “Time to Come In”. It is almost finished and will post it soon.
Friday, April 30, 2010
It's almost May and I am finishing last fall's paintings!
'Shaft of Light' pastel, 16 x 12, © Mary J. McHugh 2009
'Drummond Cabins' pastel, 18 x 12, © Mary J. McHugh 2010
Just spent some time finishing up the Drummond Cabins painting. It is sort of weird but I like it. I am not sure it is finished but it is close.
I also have declared the Shaft of Light painting finished. It is the one above with the great light. Hope you like them!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
It's 9:07 P.M.
'The World as One' pastel, 16 x 12, © Mary J. McHugh 2009
It has been a long day and I haven't been making time for art. The great thing about pastels is you can work for very short periods of time and they all add up to make a great paintings. So downstairs I go to work for 15 minutes, which may turn into 30, you never know.
Here is another picture of a recent painting. It is called "The World as One" and has all the fall colors I love. blues, purples, oranges, greens, etc.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Getting ready for the June show
'Firefly on Boxing Day' pastel, 7 x 7, © Mary J. McHugh 2010
Welcome to my new blog, which will post my favorite passion of pastel painting.
Here is my most recent completed painting, "Firefly on Boxing Day" commissioned by L.J. for a birthday surprise for her husband.
I realized that I have limited time to finish my pieces started last fall and summer plus one from this spring and a few more that are in my brain ready to come out. So I set a goal of a minimum of 30 minutes a day until I have my surgery in May. Saturday, Sunday, and Monday all were successful. Tonight I just couldn't do it. Too tired. I will take some pictures of the pieces downstairs when it is light enough. Right now it is too dark.
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